The Golden Sales Key

How Frequently Does Your Mind Control You?

As you sit here reading this I want you to ask your subconscious mind, that evil genius who controls your actions without asking for your opinion, a simple question…

How does sitting at this computer or on this cell phone make you feel?

Happy, Sad, Angry, Calm…what other thoughts are attached to THOSE thoughts.

Most likely you went straight from thinking about sitting at the computer and how it makes you feel (which I’m guessing you rarely do; examine your feelings or imagine your clients). You might be thinking about that Financial Report, or your kids soccer game, or that new BMW you drove by…and by now the person driving it. You could have experienced all four of those thoughts in a row without explaination.  ALL triggered by your subconscious minds response to how it perceives anchors in your reality.

You see, our thoughts aren’t generally linear. They don’t stop and dissapear. In fact, we rarely ‘think about having thoughts’.

You take instant action based on the emotions that are evoked by what you read, see, smell, hear, taste and touch every day, your primary representational systems.  Believe me when I say your client is no different.

Pay close attention because using words to create an infinite number of sales is not an art. It’s a honed to a pencil point, market research driven, proven by guarantee science. I know because the first question my incredibly successful clients ask me after profiting from my sales copy is “What’s Your Secret?”


 I dig deep into the trenches known as your clients brain before launching into a 120 word per minute typing frenzy. In fact, writing copy to generate sales and propel you to the pinnacle of business success isn’t like writing in any other way; it is more like having a hypnotic sales conversation face-to-face with your top sales person…but you only pay them once, and they produce sales 24/7/365. Many of my past clients refer to my strategy for writing massive ROI generating sales copy as “marketing brilliance in action”.

In fact, selling should go far beyond providing a line-item list of benefits. You probably already know that the highest converting sales copy tells a gripping story that easily transitions your clients’ emotions with a powerful nested loop resulting in multiple sales, and caters to both your analytical and impulsive buyers, while anchoring your client to your product with NLP. 

When we collaborate to hold your clients brain hostage, and move beyond the hyped up benefits list (that you don’t want because the feeling your sales copy generates is ANCHORED to your product), we must answer a few questions that are vital to your success.

What keeps your clients awake at night, staring hopelessly at the ceiling, praying for the right answer to magically drop into their lap?

What is your client’s greatest fear?

How can they use your product to avoid pain?

What would it be like to walk in their shoes every day?

What drives your client to pull their hair out every day?

Are they sick of parenting, tired of working 100 hours a week, or just plain exhausted from trying diet after diet and failing?

Have they failed more at business than they’ve succeeded, or is that software program driving them to the brink of insanity?

 Yes, I actually close my eyes and imagine delving into the

most desperate thoughts of your clients before I ever place my fingers on the keyboard.

 Finally, what are your clients wanton desires. Your target client has no issue sharing their deepest desires, unless you ask (we call this the “impress your observer” effect). I diligently research your clients, shall we say “darker side” by following their doppelganger’s daily lives on blogs, forums, Facebook groups, and trends in the media going Far Beyond Statistics.

By now you might already know that success as a behavioral specialist, Master Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, and Conversational Hypnotist allows me to examine your clients special “groupie” language better known as “magic words” or “trance words”, and if they tend to be analytical or impulse driven (I successfully target both in the same sales copy).

Please understand that these are the down and dirty basics.

We haven’t even touched on how I use NLP and conversational hypnosis to easily engage your clients with authenticity, build an unbreakable, iron-clad bond between your client and your service, incite instant action, and reach out to build a “YES” momentum that grabs you an infinite number of sales…and you only have to pay for top level sales expertise 1 time.

Ready to discover success? When you are ready to realize your true cash-earning potential just choose to complete one simple task; contact me with questions to get started right now.

Let’s Collaborate Soon!


1 thought on “The Golden Sales Key”

  1. Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention. Jim Rohn

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